03/17/2006 – Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I claim some Irish heritage, but my paternal lineage is predominately Welsh; the equivalent feast day for us is Saint David’s Day which is March 1st, but no one makes a big deal over it here in the U.S. I’m still working on the redesign but I have been adding new content pages here and there, and I suspect I will be adding quite a lot more here very soon. Just today I’ve signed on to a new gig that will relocate me to the Phoenix area, something I’ve been contemplating, and have been urged by friends to do for some time. It’s always a little scary making a major move like this, and I loved living in Carlsbad for the last couple of years, but the cost of living is prohibitive. While I will miss my family in California, they won’t be so very far away that I won’t be able to hop on a plane and be back there in a few hours, most likely to work on their computers 😎